Monday 15 August 2011

Deus Ex Machina

That is Latin, for an over used plot device that winds me up almost as much as the over use of the colours yellow and blue found on nearly every film cover, ever.
Anyway, theatrical nuisances out of the way, I figured I better share a few things with you:
I have a strange attraction to "the way things used to be" and in a way, I'm a little nostalgic, whilst many people have fond memories of Space Hoppers, Duran Duran and Denim, It struck me the other day that as a chap of 16 my frames of reference (in a nostalgic sense, at least) are completely different to those of say a person of 30 or 40 years old, now I am stating the obvious, obviously, but bear with me.
Last night I watched both series of Phoenix Nights, a show by Peter Kay that I'm sure many people from up north are familiar with and in a moment of clarity I realised how much I adore that period of time, anything from 1998 to around 2002, be it the music, the clothes or that strange overcast weather that never seemed to go away.
Sunny but bitter winter mornings, walking to primary school with my granddad, Grand Tourismo and Vice City on the Playstation 2, the last dregs of Oasis on the radio and the slope in the junior yard that meant we always played football on an angle (which I now blame for my lack of talent). Its moments of my childhood like those that I actually cherish and have such fond memories of, that I've never quite realised before now. I think this move into college, the idea that I'm starting an entire new chapter of my life that leaves me awestruck. This is not to say that I didn't enjoy secondary school, because the people I met, the people I no longer keep in touch with, I will never forget and I do have fond memories of my time at St James's to say the least, but it wasn't the same, school lost its innocence, its warmth.
I began to live my own life, and in doing so (making my own decisions, paying for my dinner, not walking out of school and into my Grandad's company) I think it (as an institution) didn't allow me to relish my time there, I just wanted to go, to get through the weeks and move on as quickly as possible, In hindsight I consider it a waste, I wouldn't go so far to say that "I'd love to go back" but I wish I hadn't flown through those years in such a hurry.

So if you take one thing from me tonight, maybe you yourself are moving up a year, moving on, going to college, university or just waking up tomorrow with no goal or sense of direction. It would be to slow down and appreciate everything and everyone in your life, its taken me about 5 years to realise that, and to the people I'm no longer in touch with, the people I've left behind: I'm sorry.
This sorta ends on a sombre tone, but I'm happy, I never intended this blog to get so self indulgent but I think you can learn a lot about me from this post, I'd like to hear feedback weather or not you enjoyed me opening up like this though, s'not often I do!

Anyway, lets cheer up, ey, we've all got a good few years left in us yet, and I think I'll leave you lot tonight with one of my favourite songs ever, and in a way I'm ashamed to admit it because of how much Oasis is overplayed now, but here's Supersonic by the brothers Gallagher:

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