Saturday 20 August 2011


Tonight, I had a long chat with a friend of mine (who, I wont name, as I haven't asked his permission) and he explained to me that he would be content in just "getting by" and having the money to sustain an average lifestyle, to keep himself to himself and as he put it "not leave a mark when [he's] gone" and now for that I do not criticise him, I have a lot of respect for him and I empathise with a lot of what he says, at a time where more people then ever are out of work and watching their dreams go down the proverbial shitter, it seems that I've met a person that thinks realistically, by aiming to work and create enough income to support himself and maybe a family in good time, it show's that he understands the importance of assimilating himself in to society and not becoming a burden.
Now, It's a shame, because he's a great friend and I guess it saddens me to see him have such low aspirations, but it made me realise that we're two completely different people and like I said before, as long as you are happy and living the life you want, then I am completely behind you, sincerely. I, as you probably know if you read my blog on a regular basis, have a passion for music and my goal in life is to have a platform in which I can share both my love for music and my thoughts, I'm aiming very high and I don't think that I will stop until I reach those ideals, because, why should I, it's who I am as a person and in my eyes, if I don't have a body of work that I'm not proud of then I'm probably ashamed of it. Now I jokingly created a hypothetical situation in which the two of us lived our lives exactly according to our plans, I then said that if I ever got my own show, I'd ring him live on air and ask him how content he is, just like the Likely Lads, and it would be interesting to see how that pans out, genuinely.
I recently saw a short animation ( which I highly recommend watching if you have the facility and time, it shows a chap watch his life flash before his eyes, it really struck me as a viewer; watching his life grow from being exiting and colourful to becoming so boring and monotonous as he reached his 40's and settled for a dead end desk job and it made me think: Fuck that.
I couldn't wake up in the morning knowing I'm squandering my life, going to a job I hate to come home to a home that's not good enough and living my life in such a sub-par way. It's not for me. I personally believe that no matter what dream you have, you've got the choice to either follow it or die trying, I'm not even specifically talking in the literal sense anymore, never settle for anything less than your absolute ideal because you'll regret it eventually, you're only given about 80 years here if you're lucky, and that's sad really, for me at least.

I've gone off on another tangent again, I think this makes for a bit more compulsive reading though, it gives a bit of insight into me as a person and if the figures for the last personal piece were correct then it seems like you lot actually like this style of post for some reason!
That said, its frustratingly dark, but I like getting stuff like this off my chest, and if it helps people in any way then I know I've done good. It's not funny, not music oriented and a little bit selfish If I'm honest, but, not every post is a winner, ey!

Anyhow, lets cheer up, and end on a good note, we'll have a cheeky bit of the Libertines to send us off tonight, so here's (fittingly) What Became Of The Likely Lads!

This post is out of schedual because tomorrow we're having the bonus bumper blog chaps come down and take the wheel for a week or two in my absence, so consider this to be my last "heavy" post for a while, but you better come back or I'll be sad, and you don't want that do you?

I also changed the design of the site, I think it's better, let me know what you think by comment, direct message, twitter or however you choose.

Cheers for reading, GOODNIGHT.

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