Sunday 7 August 2011

A few things on my mind.

Bizarrely, I've written the opening paragraph to this blog entry about six times now and I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with my own incompetence and lack of imagination, this seems to me like the most creative way to open, so we'll crack on.
Firstly, I was shocked and if I'm completely honest, outraged to learn that apparently my blog has come under criticism for its distinct lack of full stops, yes, I am looking directly at you, you know who you are and given time you will learn to appreciate the plethora of other, and dare I say, greater methods of punctuating your work and in order to allow you to appreciate said devices I thought I should maybe list a few in order to tease your pallet.
Obviously my first port of call would naturally be, the Comma, because I don't like to be tied down when writing, learning to transform your writing from Simple, to compound, to complex sentences allows the writer to be more experimental and paint a greater picture. Abrupt ends box in free thinking individuals and forces the otherwise illustrative writer corporately into the button down, oxford cloth, suit and tie of the punctuation... species.
Then we have the semicolon, once again an overlooked and underemployed piece of punctuation that does its job perfectly well; maybe the sentence is too short to require a full stop but works on its own, yet additional information may be available, that is where the semicolon can come into play, and for that matter I adopted it as part of my name (by deedpoll, no less).
Now, I don't wish to continue that list, as it's already become tedious, but I hope it does provide insight into my views on your (yes, you.) harsh and unforgiving critique of my non-conformist writing style, I believe The Guardian labelled me "A maverick!" and my latest stage show "Absolutely spellbinding!" so I know I'm pushing the right buttons.

So, Obviously, this entry is in jest and a private joke between myself and the eager man-about-town to whom we shall now refer to as "Penciltonne"; I'm obviously not THAT much of a pompous prick and this entry was written entirely behind the guise of ignorance and self-satire and is not reflective of my other work.
As with all Blog entries, should you fail to meet the monthly repayments your home could be at risk of being repossessed. Typical 0.56% APR Finance is available and "the company" [Jac; Conglomerates inc.] holds no responsibility for personal loss and/or damage.

Thanks for reading this far; because if you did, it shows you genuinely enjoy... me?
Anyhow, tonights track is Fell in Love With A Girl by the White Stripes.
"I said it all before but it bears repeating OH."


  1. Is it Sunday again already?

    Penciltonne Esq.

  2. I operate on the Mayan Calendar, every day is Sunday for me;
    That said, I do update on Wednesdays too!

    "[...] faceless blog on the internet; I'll update this blog every Sunday and Wednesday, should I miss these days [...]"
