Wednesday 3 August 2011

Wednesday; why?

I'm suddenly coming to the realisation that Wednesday is one of the worst days of the week, second to Sunday. But wait, jac; Don't critique the midweek without first stating a valid argument, fine, I will.

It seems to me as if Wednesday is the point of no return, a melancholy and dreary reminder of deadlines and a harsh truth jammed together in a hard to swallow pill (Far too much imagery there, but once again, I digress, I tend to sometimes). See, when one wakes up on a Monday, pry's open the eyelids (because, face it, no one gets enough sleep Sunday night) and jumps out of bed, you're safe in the knowledge that the week has just begun, you know that no matter what you have a week ahead of you, you have shit to do and being a responsible and productive member of society, you're going to do it weather you like it or not, you swallow.
Onto Tuesday, you've now established the tasks at hand and starting to tick them off, you've had that doctors appointment and outlined the forthcoming events, once again, Tuesday is another compulsory day and you've done it.
But then we stumble across Wednesday, the... problem child of the Gregorian Family, that little shit that has his cake, eats his cake and screams the place down for more cake. As I hinted before, Wednesday is just a reminder that you're only half way there, Thursday is comforting as you know the next day is Friday, and we all bloody love Fridays, I know a certain Rebecca especially does...
Maybe it's just me, but when I wake up, of a Wednesday morn, my bed seems a whole lot comfier and I'm a hell of a lot more liberal that snooze button of mine...

Just a thought, anyway, I think I've written enough for tonight, come back Sunday, I'll make some little scones, or even a malt loaf if you're that way inclined.
Tonight's song: Last Nite by The Strokes.
"On top of this, you ain't never gonna understand"

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