Sunday 21 August 2011


I'm off now, so for an indefinite period of time you won't be hearing from me unfortunately (for some, at least) and I know its heartbreaking and that, but normal posting schedules will return soon.
Consider this the last day of term, where everyone goes a little bit mental and you watch Schindlers List in history because you know you can sit on the desks, text in the open and take that Dead-arm game a step to far and fling a chair across the room whilst Speilburg witters on to himself oblivious in the background.
See, I have to imagine what a normal school life is like, as mine was just, fucking bizarre, we had blokes dressed as women, canteen staff eating food from the floor, the Wombles of Wimbledon common come to critique us on our inability to pick up litter, barred windows, porta-cabins and that teacher that got just a bit too friendly with the pupils, and Edward, I shared a good portion of my school life with an Edward like no other, and this one wasn't some bent vampire chap, but I don't have time to go into that right now, you see.

Anyway, I better get going, for some reason I started writing this far too late and I'm up again soon, so enjoy these next few weeks, I'll leave you with a few songs to be getting on with and if you've not already I'd suggest having a read of the post before this one, I'll bring us all back some knocked-off spirits and cigarettes!
Cheers to everyone that's read my blog over the past few weeks, I'm honestly taken back at the number of people now, because it started as something I wrote to pass the time!

For The Girl - The Fratellis (
Light That Never Goes Out - The Smiths (
Dreaming Of You - The Coral (
Hate To Say I Told You So - The Hives (

And as an extra, cheeky electro treat of the week:
Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 ( )

- Jac.

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